Learn about what drives substance use in our society and ways to make your community a kinder place for people impacted by substance use.  These presentations were developed for anyone with an interest in mental health and substance use challenges. This includes medical practitioners, harm reduction workers, social workers, first responders, and loved ones of people facing such challenges. Each of the presenters brings expert knowledge to the topic, as well as personal experience supporting people with mental health and substance use challenges.  

The Bio-psych-social-spiritual Model of Addiction

  Ron Shore, PhD, provides an overview of the bio-psycho-social-spiritual model of addiction based on his three decades working in and researching drug-related health. Starting with drugs (why we use them and the history of human drug use), contemporary models of understanding drug dependence are outlined. Finally, by examining the research on psychedelics, models of human consciousness are explored upon which to base future practice.   

Street Life Writ Large

  Claudia McNulty, former Coordinator for the Community Support Program at Kingston’s Integrated Care Hub, delivers a detailed presentation on “Street Life Writ Large,” including why service providers serving street-involved people should know more about their clients’ daily lives, the labour of substance use, the myth of choice, the impact of street life on the people we serve and how service providers can do better.     

The History of Neoliberalism & The War on Drugs 

Candice Christmas-Krumreich, PhD, provides a history of how post-modern Neoliberal ideology and policies have negatively impacted the lives of the working and middle classes in Canada and how cuts to social safety nets have led to increased mental health, substance use, and homelessness.